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- 0 rem (NULL)usrrunhcloselet>Zright$,(NULL) (NULL)usrrunnotH+l(NULL)(NULL)z
- 3 rem sys 2054, row, column to use
- 4 fori=2054to2078
- 5 reada:poke i,a: t=t+a
- 6 next:goto10
- 8 data 32,241,183,138,72,160,1,136,177,122,201,44,208
- 9 data 5,32,241,183,138,168,104,170,24,76,240,255
- 10 poke53281,0:crsr=2054:printchr$(147)
- 20 syscrsr,4,12:printchr$(5)"good afternoon
- 30 [141]200:[158] crsr,19,6:[153][199](156)"you have control!
- 40 gosub200:sys crsr,8:printchr$(159)"messages can appear...
- 50 [141]200:[158] crsr,12,20:[153][199](31)"anywhere you want!
- 60 gosub200
- 70 fori=1to100
- 80 ro=rnd(1)*25:co=rnd(1)*39
- 100 syscrsr,ro,co:poke646,iand15:print"*";:next:goto60010
- 200 syscrsr,23,11
- 210 printchr$(18)" press any key... "
- 220 wait198,1:geta$:return
- 60000 :
- 60010 print"[147] would you like to:"
- 60020 print" 1. see the demo again"
- 60022 print" 2. return to loadstar"
- 60024 print" 3. quit to basic"
- 60026 print" which? ";
- 60030 :
- 60040 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$<>"1"anda$<>"2"anda$<>"3"then60040
- 60050 :
- 60052 printa$
- 60060 ifa$="1"then10
- 60070 ifa$="2"then63000
- 60080 print"are you sure?":poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$<>"y"then60000
- 60082 end
- 60090 :
- 63000 :
- 63010 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 63020 ifer<>63thenend
- 63030 load"hello connect",8